Cactus McCoy 2
People trample over flowers, yet only to embrace a cactus… James Joyce
What’s new in Cactus McCoy 2 you ask? If you are a true fan of the game, you shouldn’t be asking such questions! All you need to know is that the game looks even better and some really cool stuff has been added to it. Good enough? More importantly, everything you loved about the game is still there, and stuff you did not like, has been improved.
Don’t know about the “chance meeting with Ella Windstorm” but Cactus McCoy 2 truly is an epic treasure hunting journey. However, just like in CM1, keep in mind, the game is 8 years old and it’s not the most technologically advanced online game ever, so don’t get your hopes too high.
Not only the Cactus McCoy is a harmless game for kids, it can be entertaining for everyone. Hunt treasures, take down bad guys, fight wild bosses, find new weapons and obtain and improve new stats, everything to find Ella.
It’s true, most visiting this website expect to play cooking papa’s games, however, you have played Papa Louie before and you liked it right? Papa Louie is also not a cooking game, just like Cactus McCoy, it’s a platform / action game and you still loved it.
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